Wonderland Trail- Day 2
Today was full of surprises, some great and some soooo not great! We all woke up
this morning sharing complaints about the rude, inconsiderate camper nearby that
was blowing a whistle at 4:45 this morning. Silver Lining got so upset that she
went around to the other sites to chastise the offender. She was unable to find
them though and I joined in the griping. So rude!! After all the complaining, we
all settled in to eating breakast and packing up. Dr. Lining and Little Bit are
headed back to the car and will meet us in a couple of days. Little Bit has been
fantastic!! Never backpacked before and doing 17 miles in 2 days. And hard miles!
And she did not complain a bit even though she was in considerable pain by last
night. She is definitely my new hero!
My day didn’t start off so well. You know how sometime your head just isn’t
in the right place? I left the camp and immediately had to cross a log bridge.
Last night I sailed over it but this morning it made me nervous. By the time I got across, the adrenaline was pumping and I was shaking. Then .2 of a mile later, I had the cross the giant suspension bridge again. This time the swaying, 207 foot long jumble of cables got to me. I was on the verge of a panic attack, and the thing is, you can’t rush across and get it over with. You
have to go slow and steady as it bounces and sways more and more as you near the
middle. By the time I got across, I was somewhat of a mess.
Luckily, after I got off of the bridge, I had a very, very long uphill in which to calm myself down. Rocks, rocks and more rocks for a while, and then a long, really nice uphill through a
towering forest. Did I mention that I am still going uphill? (Good thing I like to go uphill!) I finally stop for lunch on this huge rock next to a tumbling mountain stream and kick back in the sun.
Ahhhh…..things are looking up. The sky is brilliant blue, the trees are tall and thick and just when it couldn’t get any better, a hummingbird flew by. I layer three- day old cheese, summer sausage and mayo on a tortilla and took a bite. It was the best thing I have ever tasted in my life.
I considered hanging out for awhile, but a little voice said, “you have no idea what lays ahead…you had better get going!”. Smart voice, as it turns out.
Right before I left, however, I looked in the guidebook and read all about the famous Mount Ranier Whistling Marmots. I realized I had been hearing the same whistle that had woken us up this morning all day long!! Whistling marmots! How cool is that?! And I had to laugh at us getting all bent out of shape at the “rude hiker blowing the whistle”. 🙂 Isn’t is amazing how your perspective can change with just one little bit of information? Well, I peeled myself off the rock, threw my backpack on and headed down the trail. Around the corner was a very unpleasant sight………….
Lots and lots of snow.
Now I knew there was going to be lots of snow on this hike…remember the ice axe sitting back in the car? I just didn’t think I would see it so soon! I will let you in on a little secret… I am scared of hiking on snow. It is slippery, unpredictable and you can’t tell what is under it. Well, I spent the next hour struggling as my ankles flopped around and my feet refused to stay where I put them. The thing that made it really frustrating was that it was stunningly beautiful. Like, ‘I-have-never-seen-anyplace-this-beautiful’ beautiful! It looks like a Courrier and Ives painting…..rolling
white hills, dark green clusters of trees, black rocks and a gurgling stream.
How can it be so beautiful and so hard at the same time? I really don’t like
this at all. I put on my Yak Traks, but they don’t seem to be helping and the
front keeps coming off. I feel blisters coming on and figure this is going to be
the low point of my day. Wrong.
I have been following footsteps for ages, (cause you can’t see the trail at
all), when they disappear. I circle around and around and they are just gone!
After lots of indecision, I squeeze through some trees and see a wash of gray
rocks leading to a sweeping snow valley that goes up and up. Are those foot
prints I see? I clamber up there and see two pairs of old footprints. I know
there are at least 10 people in front of me, and that this can’t possibly be right, but decide to follow them anyway. I know that I am a wee bit lost, but I also know that I can follow my own footsteps
back down, so I am not in any danger.
Well, I climb and climb. I fall a few times getting more and more upset. All
of the sudden the footsteps stop. I have come to an alpine area where the snow is interspersed with
scattered rocks and bushes. As my eyes search for more of those blasted footprints
I was following, I see them! They are moving through the rocks and bushes headed
for a wall. It is then that I look up and see what looks suspiciously like a flat, straight edge. Could it be….I do believe it is! The trail! My ghostly friend’s footprints make a bee-line for the wall and clamber up. I realize that someone had done the same thing I had, and for a moment, I felt a strange sense of camraderie with this person I will never meet. At the very least, you gotta admit that great minds think alike. When I finally climbed up onto the trail using my hands and knees, I staggered to my feet and did a little dance of joy. There was no snow up here!
From here my day was definitey looking up!
(to be continued)